
Welcome to My Worlds!

I’m Tim Wise, and I founded this writing/illustration studio with its two independent publishing imprints to manage my creative work and, occasionally, the work of select other artists. I use the Emporium Press imprint for my science fiction and fantasy writing and Wisewirx Media as a more generic label for projects that don’t fit as comfortably under that label. My studio name is Professor Theophilus’ Emporium of Imagination, but I’ll save that story for the FAQs page. 

This site is also the cyberspace home of the Intrepid Force when they’re visiting our time period. The later twenty-first century is a pretty turbulent place, but they stop by when they can. 

Come on in and take a look around. Under the Intrepid Force tab, you’ll read about the first two books in the Intrepid Force series and receive updates about other Intrepid Force projects. Under Other Fiction, you’ll read about other fictional stories that are not located in the Intrepid Force universe.  Under Nonfiction, you’ll find some business cases I’ve written (available free of charge!) and a book on theology and science I’ve written. These might not sound like they fit with everything else you see here, but once you take a look at them, you’ll see that they really do.  The Cool Stuff page is kind of a catch-all where I include stories about favorite books and movies, projects my friends and I are involved in, and anything else I think is interesting enough to pass on to my guests.  The purposes of the FAQ and Contact Us pages are somewhat obvious. 

Intrepid Force

Intrepid Force

$12.95eBook: $6.99

The last time the Intrepid Force fought Gaith Corbalew there were only four survivors out of a team of twenty-two, but they had beaten him. They had broken the back of his interplanetary regime and imprisoned its leader.

Ten years later Gaith Corbalew was freed from prison by an unknown enemy using a nightmarish technology unknown to late twenty-first century science. Bound by a promise, three of the four Intrepid Force survivors assembled a new team, trained them, and outfitted them with cutting edge weaponry. In the first months of the young team's existence they faced a mysterious cult in the swamps of Louisiana, fought computer generated shadows in a terrifying virtual reality world, and faced Gaith Corbalew's army in a battle for the lives of 25,000 colonists on Venus. And that was only the beginning.

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Intrepid Force: Invasion

Intrepid Force: Invasion

$14.95eBook: $6.99

The adventures of the Intrepid Force continue in this second volume of the series. The attack on Venus Base had been stopped. Corbalew's plan had been defeated, but that was only beginning. With only a single ship outfitted with nightmarish technology unknown to late 21st century science, Corbalew had been able to destroy Venus's defenses in a matter of minutes. Now an armada of these ships has surrounded the Earth and rendered planetary defenses useless. Still weary and healing from their last battle, the Intrepid Force struggles to understand the mystery of the phantom fleet and, if possible, to find a weakness. Who or what is Gogue, the mysterious warlord who leads the invasion? He claims to be the Antichrist, a figure from Christian prophecy, but is he really? Aided by Neema, a young woman who claims to have come from a dark and terrible future, the Intrepid Force works to unravel the mystery and free their world before Neema's future becomes their own reality.

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The Sign of the Sword

The Sign of the Sword

$12.95eBook: $8.37

Losing Stacy was only the beginning. Still reeling from the loss of their friend, Arthur, Lance, Chris, and Angie joined their teacher on a carriage ride through the forest, passed through a fog bank, and found themselves in another world entirely. Within an hour of their arrival, they were chased by silver-eyed, cybernetic giants, attacked by a werewolf, and rescued by a ragged stranger who claimed to be the heir of King Arthur's throne. Their only chance of ever returning to their own world lay in joining Ambrose Pendragon on his quest to defeat the armies of Samhain the daemon-lord and restore the fabled kingdom of Camelot. Could they and this vagabond king succeed against seemingly impossible odds or were they doomed to die in the forests of an alien land?

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Haunted Summer

Haunted Summer

$12.95eBook: $9.95

Anxious about her approaching wedding and desperate to clear her mind, Lindsey Holland decides to leave her native Texas and spend the summer working for friends who manage a Christian coffee house in Oregon. Staying at the seaside mansion of Mrs. Katherine Cutler, a reclusive widow, Lindsey faces recurring nightmares of a woman imprisoned in a lighthouse and disturbing encounters with spectral beings that haunt the mansion's dark chambers and twisting corridors. At first, she dismisses the experiences as pre-wedding jitters, but, as the intensity grows, she fears that she may be in the grip of supernatural forces beyond her understanding or, perhaps even more terrifying, descending into madness. A young married couple, a jealous fiancé, an aspiring filmmaker, and a troubled teen who claims to have psychic powers all join her on a harrowing journey through the twisting mazes of the heart to confront the dark secret that has held Mrs. Cutler prisoner for over sixty years.

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Genesis and the Thoughtful Christian

Genesis and the Thoughtful Christian

$8.95eBook: $5.00

Some Christians dismiss all of mainstream science as a diabolical conspiracy, and some mainstream scientists dismiss the Bible as a collection of outdated stories and superstitions left over from a more primitive age. There is, however, a third group that, in spite of the challenges, finds it more satisfying to live in that tension-filled zone between the timeless truths of the Bible and the constantly-shifting landscape of scientific discovery and has the audacity to believe they can find God in both. The book of Genesis is particularly (perhaps uniquely) challenging to those who live in this zone because of the subjects it covers and the way it covers them. Petroleum engineers and geologists encounter fossil fuels every day, and astronomers see images from the distant past every time they look into their telescopes. Christians who work in scientific fields, however, often find little understanding from friends whose views on science and scientists are more often shaped by creationist speakers than by working professionals. In Genesis and the Thoughtful Christian, author Tim Wise invites readers on a trip through time, an exploration of the complex issues scientists and Bible scholars face as they navigate through the often marvelous, sometimes troubling, and always fascinating worlds of faith and scientific discovery.

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Author: K. Michael Casey
Genres: Horror, Thriller

Less than 500 years ago, the Biloxi tribe vanished from the shores of coastal Mississippi. The mystery of their disappearance has never been completely explained. Now the scared grounds of the Biloxi have been disturbed by unwary treasure hunters and a brooding presence has returned to the dark waters of coastal Mississippi. Who or what is the Chinchuba? Scientist Nathan Young and his estranged wife Kat are drawn into the mystery by Kat's Native American heritage and a dark secret from her past. Doctor John, a terrifying voodoo priest, covets the Chinchuba's power and seeks a way to control it. Kevin Croix, an unorthodox street evangelist, is drawn by prophecy to confront the dark kingdom it represents. Who or what is the Chinchuba? Can it be stopped or are all of those who venture into its path destined to share the fate of the Biloxi tribe?

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